Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Part of Legal Immigration Don`t You Get? [Pic | I Am Bored

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Male, 30-39, Europe
?312 Posts
Friday, February 1, 2013 6:00:41 AM
xxx = undisclosed, not porn industry..

Male, 30-39, Europe
?312 Posts
Friday, February 1, 2013 6:00:01 AM
Good to know.. I have slight chance of working for a xxx company R&D, located in California (sorry, R&D likes to keep secrets...) Fortunately i can do it from here but just organizing the inevitable on-location application phase of the project sounds horribly complicated to arrange..

Male, 40-49, Midwest US
?13817 Posts
Friday, February 1, 2013 12:20:09 AM
davymid: You have education, skill, a spouse and child. I'm sure you`ll be a genuine Canadian a`boot the time you get a taste for poutine and wear a tuque regularly. Until then just grab a 2-4 and watch hockey when you can.

Male, 18-29, Southern US
?9169 Posts
Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:30:39 PM
It's standard supply/demand ecomonics.

Thus Uncle Sam needs to stop minding everyone`s business.

Male, 18-29, Southern US
?9169 Posts
Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:25:58 PM
So we can get a whole new crop of 30 million more undermining pay scales and the standard of living.

That is a myth perpetuated by big labor. Immigrants are better suited for certain roles than Americans and vice versa. Thus they do NOT supplement American labor they complement it. As for the "took our jobs hysteria" there that which is seen and that which is unseen. Obviously an illegal has been employed it DOES NOT follow that it means less of an opportunity for an American.

[quote] Besides, living as illegals they don't pay payroll taxes.[/quote]

So let`s change the requirements, you don`t pay payroll taxes you`re not eligible. What if you become disabled? You get reduced benefits.

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