Friday, February 1, 2013

Back Pain Solution: How To Use An Inversion Table Correctly ...

Solving back pain! In this video, I discuss the importance of having someone who knows what they are doing coach you through your inversion therapy experience.

Because most people do not hang upside down prior to getting an inversion table, we strongly recommend doing it with someone who has. Our Inversion Coaching Program, gives you just that; a person you can contact by phone or email to answer questions and help you through the first 90 days of your inversion experience. Watch the video for details!

More information at Better Health Innovations:


Believe me, I know, you just want to get rid of your back pain, been through it myself. I have relatives, including my wife, who have been through it. Severe back pain to the point where you just can?t function, you can?t play with the kids, you have trouble doing basic things at work, basic things at home. You stand up for too long, your back hurts. You sit down for too long, your back hurts. You lay down for too long, your back hurts. There?s little doubt at this point that inversion therapy definitely can help a lot of people with back pain. The simple act of hanging upside down for a few minutes a day has helped out thousands and thousands and thousands of people.

When you buy an inversion table, you might be a little bit overwhelmed about how to use it, how to put it together, even where to store it, how often should it be used, and for how long should you be using your inversion table? Do you hang on it for an hour? The answer?s no. Do you hang on it for an hour? Do you hang on it for a few minutes? Is it better to do it in the evening and in the morning or just one shot sometime in the middle of the day? There are an awful lot of questions when it comes to using inversion therapy. A couple of years ago, we launched an extremely successful program called Inversion Coaching. When you purchase an inversion table from, a Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Table from us, you receive the services of an inversion coach, an actual person who will coach you through the inversion process. As part of this, you receive assembly instructions and receive information right up front before you even receive your table. The coach will walk you through based on your pace, using that inversion table. You get that inversion coach?s personal email address and you get that inversion coach?s personal phone number here in our offices, so whenever you have a question about inversion, you can certainly just give that person a call. You have an actual person?s name.

A little disclaimer here, we?re not doctors. We can?t provide any sort of medical advice to somebody using an inversion table or somebody who is looking for a back pain solution. We can coach in the mechanics of using an inversion table. What, in our experiences, either personal experiences or experiences in working with thousands of other customers, what, in our experiences, has worked the best for inversion table users.

I really encourage you, before running out and buying an inversion table, consider Better Health Innovations, consider our longstanding Inversion Coaching Program, so that you get a well-trained person, who knows how to use an inversion table, along with you as you start out. We launch this program, and it will last for 90 days, but certainly on the 120th day you can still call your inversion coach. When we launch this program, it will last for 90 days, to get the person up and running. We also have a 90 day trial period, so within that 90 days, if inversion isn?t working out for you and it does happen on some occasions, where for whatever reason, either you?re not using the table or it?s causing another issue or whatever, if you want to return that Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Table with us, unlike virtually anybody else that I?ve ever seen, with us you can return that for a full 90 days and you get all your money back. We don?t charge a restocking fee. We don?t try to reclaim the original shipping cost or anything like that. You contact us first, obviously, and then you ship it back to us and you receive a full refund from that, so the 90 day trial program coupled with the Inversion Coaching Program, it?s done very well for us and it?s done very well for thousands of our customers.

If you have any questions whatsoever about the program, about inversion in general, you can watch our other videos. We have several up about Teeter Hang Ups and about hanging upside down and inversion therapy. If you have any other questions, certainly leave them down there in the comments below. Definitely recommend that you subscribe to this channel as well, as every once in a while we will pop out another video about inversion therapy and other things that can help you out. Until then, take care everybody and have a great day.


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