Monday, February 25, 2013

ASUS' MWC press event happens tomorrow at 7AM ET, get your liveblog here!

ASUS' MWC press event happens tomorrow at 7AM ET, get your liveblog here!

Regardless of how you feel about ASUS, we think we can all agree on this: the company knows how to put on a good show. The outfit's made it pretty obvious it's about to announce a new PadFone here at Mobile World Congress, thanks to teasers involving a Spanish-speaking statue and a spaceship landing atop La Sagrada Familia. Plus, chairman Jonney Shih has a little trouble controlling the volume of his voice, especially if you get him on the subject of ubiquitous cloud computing. So the keynote tomorrow should be fun -- and yeah, we're excited about that new PadFone, too. Follow our liveblog tomorrow at 7AM ET and all will be revealed.

February 25, 2013 7:00 AM EST

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Benefits and Risks of Redefining a Positive CT Result for Lung Cancer

Using a threshold of 7 or 8 mm to define a positive lung cancer result in a baseline round of computed tomography (CT) could decrease false positive screening results. However, prospective research is needed to determine whether increasing the threshold may delay diagnosis of cancer in some patients.

In CT screening for lung cancer, the positive result of the initial low-dose CT indicates whether further diagnostic work-up is needed before the first scheduled repeated screening. A definition that is too inclusive may cause excessive diagnostic work-up and unnecessary treatment, while a definition that is too restrictive may delay diagnosis.

In the past decade, the frequency of identifying a noncalcified nodule (NCN) of any size on the initial baseline CT scan has almost tripled. This is mostly due to technological advances in CT scanners and the use of large computer monitors to display the CT images. Changing the size threshold for a positive screening could help reduce the harms associated with unnecessary, invasive work-up of false positive screening tests.

Researchers reviewed medical records for a cohort of 21,136 patients who had a baseline CT performed between 2006 and 2010 to assess how using a more restrictive threshold in the baseline round of screening would affect the number of positive results and delayed diagnoses. Of the participants undergoing baseline screenings, 57 percent had at least one NCN discovered.

By using the current definition of 5 mm, 16 percent (3,396 of the 21,136 patients) had a positive result. Of those, 8 were diagnosed with lung cancer within 12 months of baseline enrollment. Increasing the threshold to 6, 7, 8, and 9 mm would have lowered the frequency to 10, 7, 5, and 4 percent respectively, thus decreasing further work-up by 36, 56, 68, and 75 percent respectively.

The authors of an accompanying editorial in Annals of Internal Medicine express concern that nodule size may not be the best indicator of cancer risk. Other variables, such as presence of emphysema or nodule spiculation could predict which nodules are likely to be cancerous.

The editorialists call for development of a comprehensive computer-based risk calculator that integrates nodule and demographic information.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

VIDEO: Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg: Career Advice for Women ...

Watch Facebook?s COO Sheryl Sandberg sit down with Jesse Draper, host of ?The Valley Girl Show? to talk about career advice for women, Facebook?s impact and advice for her younger self.

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Tags: arianna huffington, business, Career, connected, entrepreneurship, facebook, google, sheryl sandberg, social media, social network, women


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Facebook PHP SDK - basic example not working

Im still in the process of creating a Facebook app, I decided to not use the SDK originally because I couldnt get it to work, however, I just ran into many problems which I couldnt get around so figured id try and find out why the SDK wont work.

Now, when I use the code posted on the Facebook page which simply returns the users name (this was extremely simple to do without the SDK).

Part of the code is the following:

// No user, print a link for the user to login $login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(); echo 'Please <a href="' . $login_url . '">login.</a>'; 

Which is all that is shown when I try and load the app, it says "Please login" and when I click it, it loads for a few seconds and says "Please login" once again.

I was just wondering if anyone knew what the issue is?The code is exactly the same as that copied from: Replacing the relevant information such as app_id, etc.

I dont know if this is relevant but for some reason the server wont let me use file_get_contents, only curl.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maingear fits 3-way GTX Titan graphics into (un-priced) gaming PC

Maingear launches gaming desktops with NVIDIA's latest speed king the GTX Titan

If you're a high-end gaming PC manufacturer, why not just time your desktop launches for when the latest pixel-blasting GPUs come out? That's exactly how Maingear rolls, so it's just announced three new machines based on NVIDIA's freshly launched GeForce GTX Titan. The new flagship graphics card borrows its name (and some of its tech) from the Kepler-based Titan supercomputer and packs 2,688 CUDA cores and 7.1 billion transistors, along with 6GB of GDDR5 RAM and a 384-bit interface. That lends it 4,500 Gigaflops of horsepower, displacing the company's GTX 690 model at the top while letting modders overclock and overvolt the cards with "higher limits than ever," according to NVIDIA.

Maingear will ship three units armed with the Titan: the SHIFT, which will be available in dual or three-way GTX Titan configurations, the F131 with one or two cards and the single-card only Potenza. All feature a 90 degree rotated motherboard design to vent hot air out the top for better cooling, along with with AMD or Intel processors up to the Core i7-3960X six-core model, SATA 6G, USB 3.0 and up to 64GB of RAM. You'll also get 4K max resolution on four simultaneous displays, thanks to two dual-link DVI, HDMI and Display Port 1.2 connectors. There's no word yet on pricing, but for a three-way SLI SHIFT PC? Think big.

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Sony Announces PS Vita News Tonight!

Posted 11 hours ago By Vince - Vincent Deshaies

We?ve been getting a lot of news lately... first from the big Nintendo Direct conference, and now Sony has an event coming this Wedesday. Well... it actually turns out we don?t need to wait that long to hear from Sony, because they will be streaming some PS Vita news tonight. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan president, Hiroshi Kawana, will be the one presenting it. It will air tonight at 2 AM CT (around midnight PT and 3 AM ET) right here, though it will obviously be in Japanese. How will this correspond with the news on the 20th?




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Hunt for distant planets intensifies

Feb. 18, 2013 ? When astronomers discovered planet GJ 1214b circling a star more than 47 light-years from Earth in 2009, their data presented two possibilities. Either it was a mini-Neptune shrouded in a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, or it was a water world nearly three times the size of Earth.

Along came Jacob Bean, now an assistant professor in astronomy & astrophysics at the University of Chicago, who used a new method called multi-object spectroscopy to analyze the planet?s atmosphere from large, ground-based telescopes. Aided by technology, Bean and his colleagues are surmounting the challenge of inferring the atmospheric composition of planets that were invisible to humans just a few years ago.

?We?re trying to distinguish whether it?s like the gas giants we know about, or something fundamentally different from what we?ve seen in our solar system ? an atmosphere predominantly composed of water,? Bean said.

The search for exoplanets - planets beyond our own solar system - has taken off over the last decade, and is now a growing component of UChicago?s research agenda in astronomy. One estimate published in January calculated that our Milky Way galaxy alone contains at least 17 billion Earth-sized planets, with a vast potential for life-sustaining worlds. Pursuing the exoplanet search via complementary methods are Bean and Daniel Fabrycky, another assistant professor in astronomy & astrophysics.

Bean has received a 60-orbit allocation on the Hubble Space Telescope to continue his observations on GJ 1214b, a sign of the work?s importance. Previous HST studies of planetary atmospheres encompassed 10 to 20 orbits. Bean will use a technique called transmission spectroscopy to measure the chemical composition of the planet?s atmosphere with unprecedented precision.

A big prize

A definitive assessment of the planet?s atmosphere could lead to a larger prize: learning how to detect potential signs of alien life on a cosmically distant Earth twin. The atmospheric signature of life on an exoplanet presumably would contain some mixture of oxygen and various other gases.

Planetary scientists are conducting theoretical studies to narrow the range of possibilities.

?It?s interesting to note that all the instruments astronomers have used to study exoplanet atmospheres so far were never designed for that,? Bean said. ?We?re using them in very unusual ways. We do what we can with what we have.?

But now Bean aims to build a system that is perfectly suited and well optimized to study exoplanet atmospheres, including that of GJ 1214b.

?The current data suggest an atmosphere predominately composed of water, but it?s not a definitive result yet,? Bean said. ?There could be even more exotic scenarios possible that we?re not able to rule out.?

If GJ 1214b is a water world, ?It would be very different than anything in our own solar system,? said Harvard University astronomy Professor David Charbonneau, whose team discovered the planet.

Deep questions

The search taps into some of modern science?s deepest questions: Are humans alone in the cosmos, and is our life-sustaining world unique? One of the earliest writers to speculate about exoplanets was the Italian philosopher and scientist Giordano Bruno, who was burned at the stake in 1600 for espousing beliefs that the Catholic Church deemed heretical.

In one prescient passage, Bruno wrote, ?In space there are countless constellations, suns and planets; we see only the suns because they give light; the planets remain invisible, for they are small and dark. There are also numberless earths circling around their suns, no worse and no less than this globe of ours.?

Discoveries of new exoplanets have flowed like oil from a gushing wellhead in recent years. The number has topped 850 and continues to climb.

Starting in the 1990s, exoplanet hunters initially were only able to find giant, Jupiter-like gas planets because they were bigger and thus easier to find. ?They were closer to their stars than Jupiter is from the sun, so we nicknamed them ?hot Jupiters,?? Charbonneau said.

But in recent years, scientists began pursuing a new, more interesting goal: find planets that are more Earthlike. One major push along that front was the $600-million Kepler mission, launched in 2009. This mission, encompassing a 100-member science team, is conducting a survey of planets orbiting other sun-like stars.

?Kepler is on the cusp of finding small planets in the habitable zone around both sun-like and small stars,? Fabrycky said. ?This is the goal of the mission, and it?s almost there.?

A Kepler research veteran, Fabrycky began his UChicago faculty appointment last October. Fabrycky precisely measures the timing of transits, the mini eclipses that planets cause as they pass in front of their stars. Timing inconsistencies in the transits often result from the gravitational influence of other planets.

So far Kepler has 105 confirmed planet discoveries to its credit, and has identified 2,740 planet candidates. As a postdoctoral scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, two years ago, Fabrycky was a member of a team that discovered six planets orbiting a single star called Kepler-11. ?Kepler-11 is hanging on ? for the moment ? as the one with the most number of planet signals? among exoplanetary systems, Fabrycky said.

Bean and his colleagues have made the best observations of planetary atmospheres so far using the Hubble Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and, in Chile, the Very Large Telescope array and the twin Magellan Telescopes. But the planned Giant Magellan Telescope, of which UChicago is a founding partner, and the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope should eclipse the capabilities of today?s observatories when they go into service late this decade.

The new telescopes will be able to do the same sort of exoplanetary atmospheric studies underway now, ?but actually do it for the smaller planets that might even be habitable,? Charbonneau said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Chicago. The original article was written by Steve Koppes.

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French, Malian troops secure rebel strongpoint near Gao

BAMAKO (Reuters) - French and Malian troops secured the north Mali town of Bourem on Sunday, tightening their control over areas where Islamist insurgents have been launching guerrilla attacks to harass the French-led military operation.

"Bourem is a bastion of Islamists," said a military official from an African military contingent called AFISMA.

African troops in this contingent are being deployed behind the French forward lines in the five-week-old intervention by Paris in its former Sahel colony.

Located by the Niger River, Bourem is about 80 km (50 miles) north of Gao at a crossroads between Timbuktu to the west and Kidal to the north, both of which are now under French and Malian government control.

"All the current problems in Gao come from Bourem," said the official, who asked not to be named. He said there had been no real fighting to take the town.

French leaders have said they intend to start pulling out the 4,000 French troops in Mali in March to hand over security to the Malian army and to the U.N.-backed AFISMA force, which is expected to exceed 8,000 soldiers and is drawn mainly from Mali's West African neighbors.


Last week two suicide bombers struck at the same checkpoint on the road coming into Gao from Bourem, while insurgents also launched a surprise raid in Gao battling French and local troops.

The attacks, two weeks after Gao was liberated from al Qaeda-allied rebels who had held it for 11 months, surprised the French and the Malian soldiers there and raised the prospect of a laborious counter-insurgency task for Paris' forces.

After driving the jihadist rebels from main northern towns such as Gao and Timbuktu, French warplanes and special forces are searching for rebel hideouts in the remote and mountainous northeast, where Paris believes the insurgents may be holding French hostages sized in the Sahel and Nigeria.

The United States and Europe back the French-led operation against al Qaeda and its allies in Mali, hoping it will ward off the threat of jihadist attacks in Africa and elsewhere.

But while providing logistical and intelligence support in Mali, the American and European governments have ruled out sending their own ground troops, and analysts say the French may be left with a messy anti-guerrilla war on their hands.

(Reporting By Tiemoko Diallo; Writing by John Irish; Editing by Pascal Fletcher and Stephen Powell)


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Monday, February 18, 2013

US Congressmen in Mali on fact-finding mission

TIMBUKTU, Mali (AP) ? A delegation of U.S. lawmakers toured the capital of Mali Monday in a fact-finding mission, weeks after France launched a military intervention to wrest back control of the country's north from the al-Qaida linked groups occupying it.

The four legislators are led by Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Africa issues. After meeting with French military officials, Coons said the French appear confident in the success of their intervention. However, he urged caution in light of the back-to-back suicide attacks in the city of Gao.

He said: "It suggests a level of jihadist militancy that doesn't reflect the confidence that I heard from the French ? that the jihadists are not from here, are not supported here, and have been driven away."


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Natural Male Enhancement: Best 3 Tips To Make sure you get A ...


Organic male enhancement to have a penis dimension up to 9 inches in length, much more thickness, a more difficult erection, a larger flaccid dimension, and also enhance your performance as far as sex is concerned is not just possible, it could be assured. The keyword to pay for attention to for the reason that previous sentence is ?can?. And that?s because it?s essential to follow down a wise path if you want to efficiently (and naturally) enhance your manhood? without the typical consequences.


In this post here I am going to share along with you my top 3 tips for getting an amazing manhood which i unfortunately had to learn the difficult way. Fortunately We took action, We made mistakes, and i also learned from. The good thing for you personally is that you be able to make use of the knowledge I gained to make sure you begin the right feet with increasing your dimension.


Here Are My Top 3 Tips To Raise your Manhood? Easily, Naturally, And Faster Than You Think?


one Eat right and exercise? Are you shocked? Were you expecting me to say in the first tip something along the lines of ?strap upon 50 pounds of metallic to your penis and get bigger in 2 days?? Well my mate, as opposed to what you may see more often than not on the Internet, the first step in getting a bigger endowment is actually to improve health and fitness.


Exactly why essential?


Properly, consider it: Your penis is attached to your system, right? I hope it really is! (LOL) Properly, what you do using the rest of your system will also have an impact on your manhood as well.


By eating healthier (such because getting more fresh fruits, nuts, protein, healthy fat, and antioxidants) in what you eat, you will create a natural male enhancement method MUCH more effective. The key reason why is because healthy eating encourages stronger blood flow. Stronger blood flow into your pennis shaft = a larger, more difficult, and healthier penile!


So far as fitness is involved, exercising assists with 2 ways. One, it will help also with increasing blood circulation. And secondly, it will help with decreasing stress. Too much stress can most certainly trigger erection problems.


2 . Avoid unnatural enhancement methods? Unnatural enlargement techniques will not only prevent you from getting that penis size you might have always dreamed of having, they will even cause some pretty disturbing side-effects together with your manhood. A few of these side-effects can certainly be permanent.


It is very important which you avoid unnatural techniques not just because of side-effects, but additionally the potential of developing diseases and possibly obtaining a deformed penile (which is the greatest side-effect associated with surgery)!


In case all that wasn?t enough, unnatural techniques (ironically) cost a lot more than effective natural methods! Go body!


3. Stick with organic male enhancement? If you wish to get all those amazing advantages I mentioned in the beginning of this article, then your only way you will get there is with natural methods. The key reason why is because only a organic method is capable of doing EVERYTHING essential to increase your dimension, increase your functionality, and boost the health of the manhood.


The very best natural method that I recommend (and personally used myself with amazing results) are natural penile workouts.


Exercising your manhood is a surefire method to get all the benefits of a well endowed manhood. This is because exercising your manhood increases blood flow, they enhance your PC muscle mass, they enlarge your penile chambers, and more. Because of how complete this method is, this only makes sense that this method would create a COMPLETELY improved manhood.


Main point here, if you want to increase, get more powerful, and get much healthier with your endowment, then I recommend you eat much healthier and exercise a minimum of 3 times a week, avoid abnormal enlargement techniques, and stick with all natural enhancement (such because penis exercises). In no time, your partner will certainly become enjoying some pretty intense quality time together? when you catch my go!




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GOP foes of Hagel nomination say vote should go on

Associated Press

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (AP) - Republican opponents of former Sen. Chuck Hagel's stalled bid to become defense secretary said Sunday that they'll probably allow his Senate confirmation vote to proceed unless material more damaging to the nominee - and, by extension, the Obama administration - surfaces in the coming week.

Critics said the decorated Vietnam combat veteran is a "radical" unqualified to lead the U.S. military. A top White House official expressed "grave concern" over the delayed confirmation vote, adding that there was nothing to worry about in any disclosures that may yet come.

"No, I don't believe he's qualified," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said of his fellow Republican and former Senate colleague. "But I don't believe that we should hold up his nomination any further, because I think it's (been) a reasonable amount of time to have questions answered."

McCain and other Republicans have angered President Barack Obama by delaying him from rounding out his second-term national security team, which includes Hagel and John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser who is awaiting confirmation to become CIA director. Former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry assumed his post as secretary of state at the beginning of February.

Critics contend that Hagel, who snubbed McCain by staying neutral in the 2008 presidential race between McCain and Obama, isn't supportive enough of U.S. ally Israel and is unreasonably sympathetic to Iran, which has defied international pressure to halt its pursuit of material that could be used to make nuclear weapons.

Hagel's nomination also became ensnared in Republican lawmakers' questioning of how the White House handled the Sept. 11 attack against a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed. Hagel was not involved in the administration's response.

GOP senators also have challenged Hagel's past statements and votes on nuclear weapons, and his criticism of President George W. Bush's administration.

Republicans last week delayed a confirmation vote, but have indicated that one will be allowed when senators return from a break on Feb. 25.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, RS.C., another leader of the opposition to Hagel, referred to a letter he received from Hagel in response to questions about past statements on Israel. Graham said that, as a result, he'll take Hagel "at his word, unless something new comes along."

Still, the weeklong delay buys Hagel's opponents even more time to rally additional opposition.

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, making his first appearances on the Sunday talk shows in his new role, was asked if the delays in filling out Obama's Cabinet presented a threat to national security.

"It's a grave concern," he said.

Hagel "has one thing in mind: how do we protect the country," McDonough said, adding that there was nothing to worry about in any disclosures about Hagel that may still come.

Graham said senators were taking seriously their responsibility to scrutinize "1 of the most unqualified, radical choices for secretary of defense in a very long time."

Last week, Obama criticized Republican senators for delaying the nomination, accusing them of playing politics with national security.

"It's just unfortunate that this kind of politics intrudes at a time when I'm still presiding over a war in Afghanistan and I need a secretary of defense who is coordinating with our allies to make sure that our troops are getting the kind of strategy and mission that they deserve," he said during a Google-sponsored online forum.

McDonough appeared on ABC's "This Week," while McCain spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" and Graham was interviewed by "Fox News Sunday."

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Barbara D. (44)
Sunday February 17, 2013, 8:25 am
Noted. This has gone past critical!

Why is this inappropriate?