Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Run*A*Round Ranch Report: The Pasture Pets

Dianna said...

The tail-flipping picture reminds me of the old "flip" hairstyle of the 60's!

Maple Lane said...

Sweet pictures to begin my day.

nene said...

The tail flipping thingy is what I do when someone tries to bother me when I'm eating. Have you ever seen a 'hungry' latino (Mexican) eat? Do come between him and his 'maiz'. ;-p

nene said...

that's...Do NOT come between him and his 'maiz'. ;-p

val's alentejo said...

Great photos of Zim and Gem.
Different world's.. here now its so so green and our horses have lots of clover..they are in heaven..
In summer its like you are now.
Our seasons are different.
happy weekend Tex.
That wagging tail 's telling you he's sure happy.

Primitive Stars said...

What beautiful pictures of wonderful the tail flicking, oh ya!!!Blessings Francine.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Love those tail-flicking pictures!

Molly The Wally said...

Yep ignore the flashy beast, eating is far more impawtant. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Giga said...

Moim ulubie?cem jest bia?y w plamki ko? :). Pozdrawiam.
My favorite is white speckled horse :). Yours.

Carole M. said...

lovely to see; and fun commentary

Comment1 said...

Looks so peaceful!

Tammy said...

Gotta love these pasture beauties! Love those tail flips! Have a great weekend!

Jennifer A. Jilks said...

Don't you love them?!
We're knee-deep in snow. Love seeing the greenery!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Horses are such magnificent creatures and you certainly have 2 beauties~

Karen @ away for the weekend said...

They're beauties - and I love the tail flip!

eileeninmd said...

Cute captions, I love your pretty horses. Have a happy weekend!

Nancy Claeys said...

Love the tail-swishes. Like -- "oh, it's you again..." :)

Jill said...

Love the beauty and the attitude!

Sandra said...

that is one swishing tail tale... love it and i like the touches of yellow flowers that set the table for munching.

rainfield61 said...

Tail flipping is a sign of friendliness.

My dog teaches me.

?ucja-Maria said...

Welcome to Tex!
Wonderfully again see your beautiful photos.
Horses are great!
I send greetings!

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

They have a 5 star resort! Such pretty subjects and pictures. Can we go back to October? I love Fall!!

Muffy's Marks said...

Horses scare me. But your photos are wonderful. Perhaps the white one looks a little less intimidating!!! Have a great weekend!!!

Happier Than a Pig in Mud said...

I feel that way when I'm eating too! Happy Weekend:@)

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness! Theresa, I just love the photos of Zim and Gem. Aren't horses wonderful? I take great pleasure in watching my neighbors horses. They're amazing creatures. My favorite photo is the last one. That beauteous white horse grazing in the wildflower bedecked meadow. Perfect.

Joop Zand said...

Nice pictures Therea

Greetings, Joop

R.Ramakrishnan said...

Lovely & handsome creatures !

Lynne said...

I bet the "tail flips" are done just for you! Great pictures . . .

Deb said...

Beautiful!!! Reminds me of Ginger and her tail

Margie said...

Such beauties! Love the commentary T.

Catherine said...

I need to live on a farm with a pasture! Such beauty!
xo Catherine

Sally in WA said...

Beautiful horses!

Sylvia K said...

Always love your horses!!

Tombstone Livestock said...

Great pics as always.

georgettesullins said...

Love all the space in this pasture for them to roam. The look so free walking around.

Tanna at The Brick Street Bungalow said...

Such beauties!! A joy to see!! blessings ~ tanna

Beth said...

Great photos. Love the tail flipping.

holdingmoments said...

Can't interrupt a good feed. lol

Chicken Wrangler said...

Just looking at the horses makes me miss my own girls so very much. I had to rehome them when I lost my job in October this past year, and it was so difficult....I hope to be able to get a horse again someday.

CameraCruise said...

Love to see your beautiful horses!
Have a great weekend.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Always love seeing Zim and Gem! Love their attitude.

Bob Bushell said...

They are eating the cud, and occasionally they will wag their tail, lets face it, they are beautiful.

Ms. A said...

Wish my ponytail looked that good.

don said...

The series of your horses is very appealing. The are beautiful animals. You managed to get them in good light too. Very well done!

Breathtaking said...

They are super photogenic Theresa.
Liked your funny commentary:)

Farm Girl said...

It looks nice and peaceful.

Linda said...

Your posts about your horses and dogs are always some of my favorites. Zim and Gem are so blessed to live at your ranch. And I think they know it.

Judy said...

I always love seeing your "pasture pets" :)

Inger said...

That's exactly what they were both thinking. And how gorgeous they are, both of them.

Hanne Bente said...

Beautiful photos gallery showing.
It's not a black crow I show on the blog - has directed it.It is one Carrion Crow (Corvus cornix) Hanne Bente

Patty Woodland said...

Leave me alone to eat in peace!

Andrew said...

Beautiful animals... and so lucky to be living with you.

ladyfi said...

Oh, what lovely shots!

icecreamgun said...


Michaele said...

It will be a long time before we see the ground around here. Lucky horses. said...

Your horses are beautiful!

Jo's World said...

Don't they come running when they see you? Thinking maybe you will have an apple or other goodie for them?

They are very pretty horses! Alice Walker said "Horses are to make the landscape more beautiful" and these guys are doing their job,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Debbie said...

they have beautiful tail curves.

they are gorgeous and what a life!

Shaun Gibbs said...

WOW, what a stunning pair of horses. They really look stunning.
Happy weekend to you said...

Beautiful horses ! Gosh you never have a boring moment do you. Get hubby to take some pictures of you leading the horses are riding them. For 2013

I am sure all would like to see that. Then you post them up here.

ShySongbird said...

They are so beautiful Theresa, you sure do have a big family to keep you occupied, that's apart from the drop-in wild guests :-)

I loved the Heron shots in the last post and the beautiful but comical Roadrunner pics earlier.

Red said...

These guys do pose for you. I bet you did a lot of talking to them. Now when do I see you riding these steeds? That should be good for a whole month of posts.

Dawn said...

Absolute beauties. My daughter would be in heaven.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Theresa,
Is it Gem, the white one? He/she has an arched back, hope it is not hurting or causing a problem. But they both seem to be happy and relaxed in their pasture.
Hugs to you,

Janey and Co. said...

It must be wonderful to have them to watch!

Val said...

Love the attitude!!!

Nita Davis said...

I just love horses, especially ones with 'tail flipping attitude'. :D
Have a great weekend.

nic.b van es said...

wat een heerlijke paarden,ze mogen er zijn.

Robin said...

T, how lovely! I am most envious!

Marie said...

Beautiful horses! Love your commentary! And thanks so much for my birthday wishes!

Candy C. said...

I LOVE your "yard art!!" :)

Ellie said...

They definately are gorgeous horses. :)

Terry and Linda said...

Nothing prettier than a long tail on a horse, flipping in the air.

Karen said...

Both beauties, and obviously not camera shy!

bj said...

I always love to see the antics of these two cuties....

bj said...

I always love to see the antics of these two cuties....

S. J. Qualls said...

Isn't it nice to see them enjoying the day? I love watching the horses.

Eugenia Robinson said...

I think of cats and dogs as pets...not horses. You have some REAL pets :-) They are so pretty, majestic, and contented. Do you take rescue horses? I have a close friend here who is a minister's wife, a teacher, and takes rescue horses, too. She has her hands full. It is such a wonderful thing to do. There are a number of rescue farms in this part of VA.Bud ran another race this morning in Roanoke...the Frosty Toe 10K. I went shopping :-) We both had a good time. genie

Fj?llripan said...

Lovely series of your beauties!!


What great hores you have. The field at the top of my garden will have some horses put in there in a few weeks, cant wait, they keep my hedge down.


Pam ;) said...

What beauties! The original idea for fly swatters came from watching a tail-flipping horse :>)


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