Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love Bytes: Even Judges Don't Have Great Judgment About Sex ...

dog judge
This dog is judging you.

Plus, how to not pick chicks up with a fake accent.

You'd think being a judge would be in someway connected to having good judgment and not sending shirtless photos to women on your staff. You'd also guess, as a judge, you probably wouldn't put yourself in a position in which a woman seeking child support in your court would accuse you of impregnating her in your chambers. Even the judge of a wet t-shirt contest should know better. (Huffington Post)

More from YourTango: 5 Ways Google Affects Our Relationships

This *wonderful* couple created a song about their breakup to let their *probably not in any way awful* friends know about it. (HowAboutWe)

And how about an actually good video? How to (not) pick up chicks with fake accents. (Dave & Ethan)

12 great literary gifts for the bookworm in your life. (Betty Confidential)

What dudes really, really want for Christmas. (The Gloss)

This holiday season, feel free to re-gift. Just follow these rules. (LearnVest)

Everyone just RELAX. The site is still up. Bullet, dodged. Oh, PornHub's owner was arrested. (Huffington Post)

So, sex after 40 is a thing. This is what it's like. (

Female condoms don't have to be gross and this one protects against all the STDs ? but not against a certain mean writer. (Bro Bible)

He lost his job, now what? How to be a great girlfriend in 7 tricky situations. (Madame Noire)

More from YourTango: The Human Whisperers: Horses Act As Couples' Therapists

How the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case forever changed the face of French politics. (TheDailyBeast)

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