Monday, December 31, 2012

Mexico City Orders Prison in Animal Cruelty Cases


Mexico City lawmakers have approved prison terms for animal cruelty, previously considered a civil offense sanctioned with fines and detentions.?The capital?s legislative assembly unanimously agreed that people who intentionally abuse and cause animals harm will face up to two years in prison and pay up to $500. If the animal is killed, they can face up to four years in prison and a $2,000 fine.?The lawmakers agreed current administrative laws weren't doing enough to end animal cruelty. In Mexico City, animals are sometimes killed by being burned, beaten or shot.?


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A Checklist for Effective Blog Writing in 2013

business bloggingIn today?s Internet world, especially in 2013, content is (will be) king?and it?s only going to grow in importance. Thanks to changes in search algorithms, an emphasis on authorship and the growing power of Google+, content is quickly becoming more and more important in the eyes of search engines.

Related: The Evolution of Google+

To make sure your content is up to par, here?s a checklist for creating effective blog content?because while blogging doesn?t equal content marketing, it is a crucial part of any winning content strategy.

Start with Your Goal

Know why you?re writing your blog?is it to draw new traffic? Create an online community? Find new business? That goal informs all your other decisions, so keep it at the forefront of your blogging efforts.

Run Through This Checklist

Think of the following list as a run-through of what your blog needs to be effective:

  • Title: Keep the title tag under 70 characters for best search results.
  • Meta Description: Make the meta description a concise summary of your page. (Tip: If you?re using WordPress, a plugin like All in One SEO Pack can make it easy to customize your title and meta description within your post editor.)
  • Headers and Subheaders: <h1>, <h2>, and <h3> tags (and so on) give search engines a basic hierarchy of your content, allowing you to prioritize what matters most.
  • Introduction: Make the beginning of your blog post interesting and attention-grabbing.
  • Relevant Images: The Internet is a visual place, so images make your posts more interesting to readers. Pictures grab readers? attention, clarify a message, and more.
  • Relevant Internal Links: Use your blog posts to point to other content?include links to past articles or other content that relates to what you?re saying. Work it into your text or use a related posts plugin at the bottom of posts. Not only does this get readers digging into your archives, but it also adds more value to your writing.
  • Relevant External Links: In the blog community, readers like to see you?re promoting others? content. Link to content that relates and is relevant to what you have to say, as is appropriate.
  • Organization: Shorten long chunks of copy into shorter, more scannable bits. Generally speaking, online readers respond best to content they can scan.
  • Social Media: While you don?t want to turn social media into a nonstop channel for self-promotion, you can use it to promote posts from time to time. In fact, promoting your content on Facebook and Twitter is a powerful way to spread your message and increase your influence.
  • Call to Action: Remember your goal above? Find ways to coax readers to take the step you desire, whether that means subscribing to a newsletter or buying a product. Come right out and ask them to do it in creative ways within your content.
  • Comments: The most engaging blogs feel like a discussion?readers comment and expect a response. So get involved in your comments. While you don?t have to respond to every person, make it a habit to respond to questions at the very least.

What do you think? This list is not exhaustive?what else goes into quality blog content? What have you seen that?s important?

Photo credit:?

Bio: Shanna Mallon?is a writer for?Straight North, a Chicago Web design firm providing specialized SEO, Web development, and other online marketing services. Follow?Straight North on Twitter?and?Facebook.

Car bombing targeting Shiites in Pakistan kills 19

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) ? A car bomb targeting a bus carrying Shiite Muslim pilgrims killed 19 people in southwest Pakistan, officials and eyewitnesses said.

Earlier Sunday, 21 tribal policemen believed to have been kidnapped by the Taliban were found shot dead in Pakistan's troubled northwest tribal region, government officials said.

Reports conflicted about whether the car bombing was a suicide attack or the device was detonated remotely.

Pakistan has experienced a spike in killings over the last year by radical Sunni Muslims targeting Shiites, whom they consider heretics. The violence has been especially pronounced in Baluchistan province, where the latest attack occurred.

In addition to the 19 people killed in the bombing in Baluchistan's Mastung district, 25 others were wounded, many of them critically, said Tufail Ahmed, a local political official. The blast destroyed the bus and damaged a nearby bus also carrying Shiites.

Ahmed and a person who was riding in the second bus, Mohammed Ayan Danish, said the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber.

The bomber "rammed a small car into the first bus, which contained 43 pilgrims," said Danish.

But Akbar Durrani, the home secretary in Baluchistan, said the explosion was caused by a car packed with explosives that was parked beside the road and detonated by remote control.

The pilgrims who were targeted were headed to Iran, a majority Shiite country that is a popular religious tourism destination, Ahmed said.

Shiites make up around 15 percent of Pakistan's 190 million people. Baluchistan has the largest community, mainly made up of ethnic Hazaras, identifiable from their facial resemblance to Central Asians.

An escalation in recent years of Sunni extremists' attacks against Shiites in Pakistan has been fueled mainly by the group Laskar-e-Jangvhi, aligned to Pakistani Taliban militants in the tribal region. More than 300 Shiites have been killed in Pakistan this year, according to Human Rights Watch.

The violence has pushed Baluchistan deeper into chaos. The province was already facing an armed insurgency by ethnic Baluch separatists who frequently attack security forces and government facilities. Now the secessionist violence has been overtaken by increasingly bold attacks against Shiites.

The sectarian bloodshed adds another layer to the turmoil in Pakistan, where the government is fighting an insurgency by the Pakistani Taliban and where many fear Sunni hard-liners are gaining strength. Shiites and rights group say the government does little to protect Shiites and that militants are emboldened by their perceived links to Pakistan's intelligence agencies.

The 21 tribal policemen who were shot dead were found shortly after midnight Sunday in the Jabai area of Frontier Region Peshawar after being notified by one policeman who escaped, said Naveed Akbar Khan, a top political official in the area. Another policeman was found seriously wounded, Khan said.

The 23 policemen went missing before dawn Thursday when militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons attacked two posts in Frontier Region Peshawar. Two policemen were killed in the attacks.

Militants lined the policemen up on a cricket pitch late Saturday night and gunned them down, said another local official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters.

Also Sunday, two Pakistani army soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in the North Waziristan tribal area, the main sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the country, security officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with official policy.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the escalating violence, especially the continuing targeting of religions minorities, U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky said.

"These cruel acts of violence cannot be justified by any cause or grievance," Ban's spokesman said. "Their perpetrators should be brought to justice."

The secretary-general stressed the U.N.'s solidarity and support for the government and people of Pakistan and "their efforts to defend their country's institutions and freedoms in the face of the scourge of terrorism," Nesirky said.


Associated Press writers Riaz Khan and Rasool Dawar in Peshawar, Pakistan, contributed to this report.


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Baseball Team Antique Photograph, Fort Scott, Kansas Vintage Photo by FamilyTreeAntiques

The back of the photo is Labeled:
Baseball Team 1925

Front Row: Richey, Jenson, Booth, Sbrenson, Vadnas
Middle Row: Mooney, Lefty, Adler, Daverson
Back Row: Eavens, Putman, Hughes

This photo is about 5" by 7", it has been folded several times and has holes in the corners as if it was hung up with push pins at some point.

I searched Fort Scott thinking it would be in Kentucky as most of the photos in this collection are from Western Kentucky. The only Fort Scott I found was a town by that name in Kansas.

The photo is from the Charles H Shader collection. Many of the photos in this collection have some condition issue, but the subject matter is fantastic. Please see scans for condition and ask questions if you have any.

Have any questions? Contact the shop owner.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

iPhone 5S Rumors 2013: Specs Include iOS7, NFC, IGZO Panels And More

Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. (Photo: Reuters)

The iPhone 5 was a landmark phone for 2012, and 2013 promises to be the year of the iPhone 5S. And since Apple doesn't officially confirm anything until everything is absolutely certain (they wouldn't confirm it's going to be Monday until Sunday night), Apple fans are left to scavenge for rumors of all sorts to tide them over until the gadget giant gives official word. (Like these rumored iPhone 5S pics here.) Now that 2013 is almost upon us, what do we know so far about the state of the iPhone 5S? Or rather, what do we THINK we know?

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iPhone 5S rumors include rampant speculation as to whether or not Apple is going to launch its newest operating system, iOS7. Fox Business is predicting iOS7 will be a part of the iPhone 5S launch. The iPhone 5s release date is rumored to be in June or July, according to Jeffries & Co. Apple analyst Peter Misek. Misek returned from a meeting with apple's Asian suppliers in mid-December and made the release date prediction based on his observations of hardware manufacturing. What can iPhone owners anticipate if the iOS7 rumors turn out to be true? Again, nothing official from Apple, but there are wish lists upon wish lists out there already. The common thread among them is better app management, including customized default apps for basics like emails and calendars and cosmetic changes like hiding apps you never use or creating better, bolder icons.

NFC Capability

NFC (Near Field Communication) is an intriguing mobile technology that is conspicuously absent from the Apple product line. iPhone 5S rumors consistently mention the inclusion of NFC capability in a new device. Think NFC is no a big deal? Then why does rival Samsung take the time to mention it in basically every single commercial? NFC provides that sci-fi gadget feel to a device, and Apple does NOT want to be out-cooled in the Cool Dept. Fortune, Fox Business and CNet are all anticipating NFC tech in the iPhone 5S, making this one of the more credible rumors out there. Samsung has it, Apple doesn't. It doesn't take an industry insider to understand why Apple wants to change that.

IGZO Panels

iPhone 5S rumors are like previous iPhone rumors, they thrive on specs. Specs, specs, specs are what Apple fans and potential consumers want to know about, and the firmest specs rumor for the iPhone 5s comes in the form of IGZO panels. What are IGZO panels?

Short for their chemical composition (indium gallium zinc oxide), IGZO panels are the latest form of LCD technology being developed by Sharp. Prototypes at the IFA consumer electronics trade show in Berlin this year were capable of 498 pixels per inch, easily surpassing the 326 ppi resolution on the iPhone 5. Less a phantom than other rumors, DigiTimes reported on Apple's interest in testing the availability for the new tech for use in its 2013 product line. Although it appears Apple is interested in including IGZO panels in its 2013 product line, the question now is whether or not enough can be manufactured to meet the insane amount of demand Apple is known for creating.

... And More!

In addition to the iOS7, NFC and IGZO rumors, iPhone 5s rumors also include some speculation on other improvements to the product line. The HD camera will likely see an upgrade, taking it into 'super-HD' territory. Some insiders are expecting Apple to unveil a brand new type of OS that works universally between the iMac and mobile platforms, based on research the company has been conducting since 2011, according to CNet. The iPhone 5s may also launch alongside the iWatch, a device designed to integrate controls for your phone, tablet and desktop in a small wristwatch-sized device. Longer battery life may also be in store, in part because of the functionality of IGZO panels.

Overall, the iPhone 5S rumors are making the same promises we always expect from Apple. Better resolution, more power, smarter software and sharper cameras are always a part of the iPhone rumor mix. Why? Probably because Apple consistently delivers all of the above with each new upgrade to the iPhone product line. We'll all be holding our breath until summer 2013, when the iPhone 5s (or is it the iPhone 6?) will (probably) be debuted.

For tips, complaints and observations on all things digital, email us at tips [at]

? 2012 iDigitalTimes All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


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China firm to acquire major African iron ore mine

BEIJING (AP) ? A privately owned Chinese company is finalizing the acquisition of an Australian mining firm that controls a major iron ore mine in west Africa, a move that would give China a stronger role in setting global iron ore prices, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported Saturday.

Xinhua, citing officials from Hanlong Group, said Hanlong plans to complete the acquisition of Sundance Resources Ltd. for 45 Australian cents (50 cents) per share by March 1, after submitting paperwork to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Calls to Hanlong's headquarters in southwestern China's Sichuan province went unanswered Saturday.

Sundance controls the Mbalam iron ore mine, which straddles Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

Hanlong is seeking a partnership with Chinese state-owned companies and investing $5 billion to develop the Mbalam project and to build a 550-kilometer (340-mile) railway and a shipping port, Xinhua said. Operations are expected to begin in 2014, it said.

As the world's second-largest economy, China is eager to acquire overseas assets and resources to feed its rapid growth.


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Where Are the Legal Lossless Downloads?

I must have been very nice last year, because Santa brought me a Sonos Connect Wireless HiFi System and Network Attached Storage (NAS) with Wake-on-LAN for Christmas. This particular combination of hardware can mean only one thing: I will spend the waning days of 2012 and the beginning days of 2013 ripping my entire CD collection (which is not small) into lossless files. After poring over audiophile blogs and lurking on discussion forums, I chose FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) as the format for my ripping binge. FLAC has the great virtue of combining openness with losslessness, and it seems to be the coin of the realm for the digital audiophile set. I?ve been using dbPoweramp as my ripper, and it?s all been going very well. Albeit not perfectly. There is the occasional track that for whatever reason?some physical defect in the disc or some blip in the ripping or the encoding?I cannot get FLAC-ed. Last night?s file, as it happens, was Fine Young Cannibals? ?Couldn?t Care More.?? No matter how much I tweaked the ripping and encoding settings, I couldn?t get a proper lossless copy. So I decided to do what any law-abiding music consumer would do in my situation: I searched the Internet far and wide for a paid (i.e., legal) lossless download of the song. I would have bought FLAC or ALAC or anything else lossless. Reader, I searched in vain. I don?t know why this surprised me, knowing what I do about the supply-side causes of digital piracy. But it did. I found more than one adware-bloated torrent for the FLAC version, but I couldn?t find the authorized article in anything but lossy format from Amazon or iTunes. I could, I suppose, just buy a new CD and try my luck again, but that seems a little perverse, given that the whole beauty of the digital download model is track-by-track purchasing. And I already bought the whole CD once.

The rationale we get from the Big Four (music labels) for why we shouldn?t pirate music is that reasonably priced legal alternatives are widely available. That?s true if you?re talking about MP3 or some other lossy format. I?d like to know why legal lossless downloads aren?t more widely available, especially as networked storage gets cheaper, bandwidth gets wider, and devices like Sonos make their way into more people?s homes. There are a (very) few sites out there that provide paid lossless downloads. HDTracks is one, but, alas, ?Couldn?t Care More? is not available there. If I can rip music from my CDs and encode it losslessly to stream through my high-quality home stereo speakers, why can?t I buy music from Amazon or iTunes in the form of lossless downloads? ?I?m waiting to see if Neil Young?s Pono project will somehow alter the mass-market music download status quo. Something should. I don?t see myself going back to vinyl, but music lovers should collectively be able to look forward to something finer than MP3.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

What&#39;s Hot and Hotter ? Womens Fashion Clothes for the Coldest ...

The winter season is here and womens fashions have delivered a range of styles to suit most tastes. Unlike previous season, in which plus size women in particular have been penalised by Dame Fashion for not having certain tastes or not looking good in certain cuts, the AW 2012 season has put together what is almost a hit parade of previous fashion favourites from nearly a century?s worth of styles, cuts and colours.

The womens fashion clothes on offer for the AW 2012 season range from highly coloured late 20th Century prints to delicate, sombre mid-century dresses and from high Victoriana to understated 21st Century cool. From peplum to chiffon, from floaty to figure hugging, there?s a combination for every lady as the party season gets under way again.

Plus sized fashions this year combine a number of looks and feels ? including the two tone look popularised by the world?s favourite plus size beauty, Christina Hendricks. Ever since being voted World?s Sexiest Woman in a poll of the readers of an influential and well-known male interest magazine, Christina has reminded us all why the bountifully proportioned girl is the one we all love. This year?s fashions pay homage to some of her outfits in hit TV show ?Mad Men? ? as well as to the years and styles that have formed some of our most enduring impressions of retro cool.

This year?s womens fashion clothes include 50s style dresses, Edwardian style dresses and even a return to the loudness of the 80s and 90s with some delicious outfits that remind us of the times without repeating their fashion crimes (so, no massive shoulder pads, for example!). The modern retro look does what retro does best ? taking the spirit of an era without actually replicating the materials and cuts it used to be famous for.

For the plus sized lady, the most complementary fashions are the 50s style dresses, modern floating dresses (which also have a late Victorian Gothic look to them) and of course, the classic jeans and jacket look ? which can be stunning on a lady with generous hips and chest measurements.

As a plus sized lady, you will already know what styles suit you the best. Make the most of our peplum dress for the hourglass figure featured with a heavier waist ? perfect for most occasions from parties to work. Or balance a top heavy figure with a jacket and trousers. Wearing the cut of the trousers loose from midthigh down can reinstate balance to the silhouette of a lady whose upper deck is notably bigger than the rest of her.

The clothes you choose need to express your personality as well as your fashion sense. That?s why the AW 2012 selection is so exciting. For the first time in a long time, you?re able to really combine your personal style with the styles available to you on the high street and from the internet sites you use. AW 2012 womens fashion clothes represent the widest selection of tastes and styles seen on the street in a long time.



AW 2012 womens fashion clothes represent the widest selection of tastes and styles seen on the street in a long time.


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FBI removes many redactions in Marilyn Monroe file

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? FBI files on Marilyn Monroe that could not be located earlier this year have been found and re-issued, revealing the names of some of the movie star's acquaintances who drew concern from government officials and her own entourage.

The files had previously been heavily redacted, but more details are now public in a version of the file recently obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act. The updated files reveal that some in Monroe's inner circle were concerned about her association with Frederick Vanderbilt Field, who was disinherited from his wealthy family over his leftist views.

The FBI's files on Monroe show the extent the agency was monitoring the actress for ties to communism in the years before her death in August 1962. A trip to Mexico earlier that year to shop for furniture brought her in contact with Field, who was living in the country with his wife in self-imposed exile. Informants reported to the FBI that a "mutual infatuation" had developed between Field and Monroe, which caused concern among some in her inner circle, including her therapist, the files state.

"This situation caused considerable dismay among Miss Monroe's entourage and also among the (American Communist Group in Mexico)," the file states. It includes references to an interior decorator who worked with Monroe's analyst reporting her connection to Field to the doctor.

Field's autobiography devotes an entire chapter to Monroe's Mexico trip, "An Indian Summer Interlude." He mentions that he and his wife accompanied Monroe on shopping trips and meals and he only mentions politics once in a passage on their dinnertime conversations.

"She talked mostly about herself and some of the people who had been or still were important to her," Field wrote in "From Right to Left." ''She told us about her strong feelings for civil rights, for black equality, as well as her admiration for what was being done in China, her anger at red-baiting and McCarthyism and her hatred of (FBI director) J. Edgar Hoover."

Under Hoover's watch, the FBI kept tabs on the political and social lives of many celebrities, including Frank Sinatra, Charlie Chaplin and Monroe's ex-husband Arthur Miller. The bureau has also been involved in numerous investigations about crimes against celebrities, including threats against Elizabeth Taylor, an extortion case involving Clark Gable and more recently, trying to solve who killed rapper Notorious B.I.G.

The AP had sought the removal of redactions from Monroe's FBI files earlier this year as part of a series of stories on the 50th anniversary of Monroe's death. The FBI had reported that it had transferred the files to a National Archives facility in Maryland, but archivists said the documents had not been received. A few months after requesting details on the transfer, the FBI released an updated version of the files that eliminate dozens of redactions.

For years, the files have intrigued investigators, biographers and those who don't believe Monroe's death at her Los Angeles area home was a suicide.

A 1982 investigation by the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office found no evidence of foul play after reviewing all available investigative records, but noted that the FBI files were "heavily censored."

That characterization intrigued the man who performed Monroe's autopsy, Dr. Thomas Noguchi. While the DA investigation concluded he conducted a thorough autopsy, Noguchi has conceded that no one will likely ever know all the details of Monroe's death. The FBI files and confidential interviews conducted with the actress' friends that have never been made public might help, he wrote in his 1983 memoir "Coroner."

"On the basis of my own involvement in the case, beginning with the autopsy, I would call Monroe's suicide 'very probable,'" Noguchi wrote. "But I also believe that until the complete FBI files are made public and the notes and interviews of the suicide panel released, controversy will continue to swirl around her death."

Monroe's file begins in 1955 and mostly focuses on her travels and associations, searching for signs of leftist views and possible ties to communism. One entry, which previously had been almost completely redacted, concerned intelligence that Monroe and other entertainers sought visas to visit Russia that year.

The file continues up until the months before her death, and also includes several news stories and references to Norman Mailer's biography of the actress, which focused on questions about whether Monroe was killed by the government.

For all the focus on Monroe's closeness to suspected communists, the bureau never found any proof she was a member of the party.

"Subject's views are very positively and concisely leftist; however, if she is being actively used by the Communist Party, it is not general knowledge among those working with the movement in Los Angeles," a July 1962 entry in Monroe's file states.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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Quotes: The Messianic Character of American Education, by Rousas ...

The Messianic Character of American Education, by Rousas John Rushdoony, Ross House Books, 1995

Page 4.

In the United States, it was very early believed that the new federal union constituted the new order of the ages, and the dollar bill today carries this proud description of that hope,novus ordo seclorum.


Page 14.

Greek thought regarded the universe, not with the principle of discontinuity held to by biblical thought, but in terms of continuity. There was no radical distinction between Creator and creature, God and man, but rather a scale of being, with differing degrees of participation in being. Man?s autonomous reason was capable both understanding and participating in this scale of being.


Page 15.

Aquinas maintained that the end of the universe must be the good of the intellect, which is truth.

This is very similar to Tim Keller?s view expressed eloquently in various books and sermons.


Page 28.

Education is the cure-all for sin and for the weakness of nature.




?Education is to inspire the love of truth, as the supremest good, and to clarify the vision of the intellect to discern it.?


Page 30.

Methods were more important than subject matter, because the person, not the subject matter, was paramount, and the person was one endowed with rights and thus destined to receive rather than to produce.


Page 31.

Sex education, counseling, psychological testing, psychiatric aid, all these things are added in the abiding conviction that knowledge is not only power but moral virtue.


Page 51.

The teachers, as the new priesthood, must have their particular training which is more than academic competence or a way with children. It is educational theory and experience.

Page 54.

The chief end of man shortly before this had been defined as glorifying God and enjoying him forever. Now it was to glorify the community and enjoy life therein.


Page 70.

All the benefits of past cultural attainment accrue to the present without loss. Christianity may disappear or be superseded, but all its advantages will remain without diminution as the inheritance of man. Such were the implications and assumptions of this Hegelian concept of society.

Helpful to understand the liberal mind, which is happy to stand on the shoulders of Calvinism, acknowledging its debt to Calvinism, while at the same time rejecting it because it is outdated and unsuited for this modern age.


Page 90.

Basic to his educational philosophy was the insistence that education be moral in outlook, morality, however, be not primarily religious in nature but social, ?a matter of adjustment of the individual to society.?

In reference to Johan Friedrich Hebart


Page 95.

Man?s morality, moreover, is social adjustment. The results of such education have not been, however, new achievements culturally and advances ethically, but the rise of the holy barbarians, men who have invested their ancient lusts and violence with a modern sanctity.


Page 104.

At the 1895 N.E.A. meeting in Denver, Parker again emphasized ?the evolution of pure democracy? as the goal of education. ?The child is not in school for knowledge. He is there to live, and to put his life, nurtured in the school, into the community.?




The schools, accordingly, are not for knowledge or education in any historical sense but are religious and political instruments for the total reshaping of man and his society and the conditioning of the child in terms of that way of life.

It is for this reason that it is not wise for homeschoolers to focus too much on the academic excellence of homeschooling over and against the government school results. It is true that homeschooling produces far superior academic results. But this is not the point of contention of those in the government schools. They are philosophically opposed to homeschooling. So too, we must be philosophically opposed to government schooling.


Page 106.

All this is done in the name of altruism and the love of humanity, and is ostensibly a transcending of personal egoism. But this love of humanity is only and always an extension of the diseased self-love which masquerades as righteousness. Man does not widen his horizon or transcend himself by multiplying his ego or substituting humanity for himself, but only by transcending himself in the obedience to, and glorifying and enjoying of God, the transcendent and ontological trinity.


Page 109.

There is no escaping this dilemma of socialization, with its subversion of learning to the goals of the state, except by the radical disestablishment of the schools, the separation of school and state. The state ownership of children is the implicit or explicit fact of all statist education: ?German youth belongs to the Fuehrer,? and all statist youth belong to the state.


Page 191.

Lacking the biblical conception of evil as an aggressive, positive and ambitious power in creation?.


Page 219.

In the biblical view, man was created as Adam, alone, and allowed to remain alone for some time, to know his calling as God?s viceregent and image-bearer before he knew himself in marriage and society. Thus, Adam had to know himself as man alone, before he was permitted to know himself as man in marriage and in human community. In a sense, ?privation? and isolation, such as was not the case with the animal creation, was the first condition of man in Paradise and the ground of his status as man. As a consequence, marriage, the family, the church, the state, and every other God-ordained institution, while God-given and necessary in their respective spheres, were under man and never prior to him as the creature and image-bearer of God. Man is thus not a social animal who must run in the pack, and whose life is comprehended in the state, nor is he the creature of society or the state, but always and only the creature of God, and, as redeemed man, having been ?bought with a price,? the blood of Christ, cannot become the servant of man (1 Cor. 7:23), or of any institution. The centrality of this doctrine in Reformation teaching had vast libertarian and antistatist effects and repercussions.

Page 258.

The task of the schools has become religious conversion to a politico-economic statist order rather than education.

I might add that this goal is largely frustrated in the excellent American higher education, largely because of the selfishness of the system, which makes the professors largely disinterested in students because it simply does not pay them to spend any time and effort with the students. What pays, as later quotes show, is the ability to land big government research grants. When choosing to make hires, as I recently found out, the ability, or inability, to teach does not play a role at all.


Page 267.

She implored former pupils who came to visit her to hold fast to Froebel?s teaching and the ideal of the kindergarten. Her last words to one group were urgent: ?Have faith in the kindergarten, strive to represent approval in his essence. I believe in the power of the kindergarten to reform the world.?


Page 269.

Froebel?not only held to cosmic evolution but saw education as a major element in that continuing process. For Froebel, the entire universe was a living, evolving organism, the unity of which is called God. It?s evolution is possible because of the law of activity, the law of action, reaction, and equilibrium, the broader application of the intellectual principle of process, i.e., thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. This process has come to self-consciousness in man; thus man, who is evolving to a higher order of being, can guide that process through education.


Page 282. Why then did the kindergarten succeed? The answer was and is clear-cut: the desire of women to get rid of their children. Educators have had to set an age requirement for kindergarten children, else they would be deluged with mothers trying to push very young children into their hands. Thus, kindergarten has proven to be in part a polite and oblique form of infanticide, one which hypocritical women can indulge in while getting credit for solicitous motherhood. The kindergarten movement was born out of romantic and idealistic philosophy and its idealization of the child. It prospered because women, drinking the heady wine of feminism, had come to regard womanhood and motherhood as burdensome, and lacked the honesty to say so. The nursery school and the kindergarten were thus admirable as respectable escapes from responsibility.


Page 287.

The price of support is always control, and the university cannot complain of government interference when it except so readily the government support. In a day when the universities most loudly proclaim their autonomy, they are most rapidly, and too often willingly, succumbing to the encroachments of statism. A kept woman has no honest protest against adultery or claim to virginity.


Page 288-289.

A major and insistent threat to academic freedom today is the decline of private giving to education. The mainsprings of freely given financial support are drying up as a result of the rise of statism. A confiscatory system of taxation and a policy of government encroachment on a free economy increasingly render it difficult for the university to command a financial support from a financially free population. Lacking resources, the university finds very tempting the constant flow of government funds. Today atomic research, and, with it, allied avenues of study, has largely passed into the hands of the government and its subsidized allies. The temptation grows to emphasize the value of research in terms of governmental needs.


Page 293.

Jaspers had called attention to the anti-intellectualism of the university as an institution. In appointments, ?the excellent are instinctively excluded from fear of competition, just as the inferior are rejected out of concern for the prestige and influence of the university.?


Page 295.

Knowledge ceased to be the correlation of mind and matter?

Another definition of knowledge!


Page 305.

By and large, however, the university is content to see its problem as basically twofold: the need for more money, and the need for more license so that it can indulge in that total irresponsibility which it calls academic freedom. But as Stanley Baldwin once observed, ?power without responsibility? is ?the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.?

Remember Peter Erdman?s comments about us all knowing what we are? He understood the nature of academia.


Page 306.

Hitler not only controlled the most educated and advanced of modern states, but he thoroughly commanded the loyalties of educators and scientists because he understood and was able to use their myths and tools.


Page 309.

The fiercely competitive spirit such as leftists normally ascribe to ?predatory capitalism? is the normal life of the police state. In all of this, education becomes radically divorced from learning and becomes an instrument of state and the means of social advancement.


Page 312.

What constituted the free man in Greek and Roman cultures sharply differed from Christianity?s conception of the free man.


Page 322.

Early in the history of the United States, the courts had no doubt that education was a function of the parents and no more a function of the state than is the begetting of children. Education was seen as an aspect of child-rearing.


Page 329.

If the state can own and socialize our children, then it can most certainly own and socialize our property. We cannot legitimately surrender our children to the state and its schools and then claim the right to withhold our property.

Page 332.

The future has never been shaped by majorities but rather by dedicated minorities. And free men do not wait for the future; they create it.



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For a moment there, we almost believed it: Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's radical solution for the ongoing fiscal cliff nightmare, and maybe politics entirely, was going to work. Scrawling a vaguely political message on paper cups containing overpriced coffee would deliver us from partisan politics, from disagreement itself. We were going to Come Together? while consuming a Trenta vanilla soy half-caf latte?with extra chocolate drizzle.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Red Wine Supplements: They Don&#39;t Alter Obesity in Men | Fitness ...

Red wine, particularly the antioxidants in red wine, house a number of benefits and that is a fact that is widely ignored owing to be member of the alcoholic family. The researchers at the Harvard Medical School have established that the antioxidants in red wine have anti-aging properties and that it may protect from binding diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age related macular degeneration. Furthermore, researchers from the University of Barcelona have concluded that red wine may help prevent a person from sunburns and scientists belonging to the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine suggest that red wine may help prevent brain damage after a stroke.
However, recent research has found out that resveratrol present in red wine may not improve sensitivity to insulin in obese men. Even though the subject brewed interest and gained support in the some initial animal trials, a later trial did not coincide with the line of research.

Insulin sensitivity refers to how well the body makes use of the hormone insulin. The study was conducted on 24 obese men who were otherwise healthy and were made to intake 1500mg of resveratrol (similar to red wine supplements) daily for four weeks as opposed to a group of men who were given an inactive placebo for the same amount of time. The study found out that there was no difference in insulin sensitivity in between the two groups of men along with no changes in blood pressure, levels of triglycerides and other fats, and other heart health related factors. ?Hence, red wine supplements have little impact on obesity in men and cannot compensate for unhealthy living.
The study was published on an online journal called Diabetes by Dr. Morten Poulsen at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, who led the study.
Dr. Vivian Fonseca, president of medicine and science for the American Diabetes Association said, "People who drink red wine and do so in moderation may have healthy lifestyles that may allow them to live longer and decrease their insulin sensitivity, but putting it into a pill doesn't solve the problem for people who live unhealthy lives, like the men in the study," Fonseca said. "I think some of the initial animal studies on resveratrol were hyped far more than they should have been and this study should put all of that to rest."
The study demonstrated that people who are at a risk for diabetes must take preventative measures and get screened for the disease, especially if these people are over the age of 45 and if they are younger and overweight, then too must they get screened just to be on the safe side. The scientists suggest that obese individuals should aim at gradually reducing their risk of diabetes by trying to lose weight by 5% to 10% off their current body weight by consuming a decreased calorie intake and exercising for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.
However, these researchers do not completely deny the benefits of red wine supplements and accept the benefits of alcohol, stating that the compounds present in red wine may have some effectiveness in terms of other benefits as mentioned right at the introduction of the article.



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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Poor reading skills tied to risk of teen pregnancy

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Seventh grade girls who have trouble reading are more likely to get pregnant in high school than average or above-average readers, according to a new study from Philadelphia.

Researchers found that pattern stuck even after they took into account the girls' race and poverty in their neighborhoods - both of which are tied to teen pregnancy rates.

"We certainly know that social disadvantages definitely play a part in teen pregnancy risk, and certainly poor educational achievement is one of those factors," said Dr. Krishna Upadhya, a reproductive health and teen pregnancy researcher from Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore.

Poor academic skills may play into how teens see their future economic opportunities and influence the risks they take - even if those aren't conscious decisions, explained Upadhya, who wasn't involved in the new research.

Dr. Ian Bennett from the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues looked up standardized test reading scores for 12,339 seventh grade girls from 92 different Philadelphia public schools and tracked them over the next six years.

During that period, 1,616 of the teenagers had a baby, including 201 that gave birth two or three times.

Hispanic and African American girls were more likely than white girls to get pregnant. But education appeared to play a role, as well.

Among girls who scored below average on their reading tests, 21 percent went on to have a baby as a teenager. That compared to 12 percent who had average scores and five percent of girls who scored above average on the standardized tests.

Once race and poverty were taken into consideration, girls with below-average reading skills were two and a half times more likely to have a baby than average-scoring girls, according to findings published in the journal Contraception.

Birth rates among girls ages 15 through 19 were at a record low in the U.S. in 2011 at 31 births for every 1,000 girls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But that rate is still much higher in minority and poorer girls than in white, well-off ones, researchers noted.

And in general, it's significantly higher than teen birth rates in other wealthy nations.

Teen pregnancies are a concern because young moms and their babies have more health problems and pregnancy-related complications, and girls who get pregnant are at higher risk of dropping out of school.

Upadhya said the answer to preventing teen pregnancy in less-educated girls isn't simply to add more sex ed to the curriculum.

"This is really about adolescent health and development more broadly, so it's really important for us to make sure that kids are in schools and in quality educational programs and that they have opportunities to grow and develop academically and vocationally," she told Reuters Health.

"That is just as important in preventing teen pregnancy as making sure they know where to get condoms."

SOURCE: Contraception, online December 13, 2012.


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China tightening controls on Internet

BEIJING (AP) ? China's new communist leaders are increasing already tight controls on Internet use and electronic publishing following a spate of embarrassing online reports about official abuses.

The measures suggest China's new leader, Xi Jinping, and others who took power in November share their predecessors' anxiety about the Internet's potential to spread opposition to one-party rule and their insistence on controlling information despite promises of more economic reforms.

"They are still very paranoid about the potentially destabilizing effect of the Internet," said Willy Lam, a politics specialist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. "They are on the point of losing a monopoly on information, but they still are very eager to control the dissemination of views."

This week, China's legislature took up a measure to require Internet users to register their real names, a move that would curtail the Web's status as a freewheeling forum to complain, often anonymously, about corruption and official abuses. The legislature scheduled a news conference Friday to discuss the measure, suggesting it was expected to be approved.

That comes amid reports Beijing might be disrupting use of software that allows Web surfers to see sites abroad that are blocked by its extensive Internet filters. At the same time, regulators have proposed rules that would bar foreign companies from distributing books, news, music and other material online in China.

Beijing promotes Internet use for business and education but bans material deemed subversive or obscene and blocks access to foreign websites run by human rights and Tibet activists and some news outlets. Controls were tightened after social media played a role in protests that brought down governments in Egypt and Tunisia.

In a reminder of the Web's role as a political forum, a group of 70 prominent Chinese scholars and lawyers circulated an online petition this week appealing for free speech, independent courts and for the ruling party to encourage private enterprise.

Xi and others on the party's ruling seven-member Standing Committee have tried to promote an image of themselves as men of the people who care about China's poor majority. They have promised to press ahead with market-oriented reforms and to support entrepreneurs but have given no sign of support for political reform.

Communist leaders who see the Internet as a source of economic growth and better-paid jobs were slow to enforce the same level of control they impose on movies, books and other media, apparently for fear of hurting fledgling entertainment, shopping and other online businesses.

Until recently, Web surfers could post comments online or on microblog services without leaving their names.

That gave ordinary Chinese a unique opportunity to express themselves to a public audience in a society where newspapers, television and other media are state-controlled. The most popular microblog services say they have more than 300 million users and some users have millions of followers reading their comments.

The Internet also has given the public an unusual opportunity to publicize accusations of official misconduct.

A local party official in China's southwest was fired in November after scenes from a videotape of him having sex with a young woman spread quickly on the Internet. Screenshots were uploaded by a former journalist in Beijing, Zhu Ruifeng, to his Hong Kong website, an online clearing house for corruption allegations.

Some industry analysts suggest allowing Web surfers in a controlled setting to vent helps communist leaders stay abreast of public sentiment in their fast-changing society. Still, microblog services and online bulletin boards are required to employ censors to enforce content restrictions. Researchers say they delete millions of postings a day.

The government says the latest Internet regulation before the National People's Congress is aimed at protecting Web surfers' personal information and cracking down on abuses such as junk e-mail. It would require users to report their real names to Internet service and telecom providers.

The main ruling party newspaper, People's Daily, has called in recent weeks for tighter Internet controls, saying rumors spread online have harmed the public. In one case, it said stories about a chemical plant explosion resulted in the deaths of four people in a car accident as they fled the area.

Proposed rules released this month by the General Administration of Press and Publications would bar Chinese-foreign joint ventures from publishing books, music, movies and other material online in China. Publishers would be required to locate their servers in China and have a Chinese citizen as their local legal representative.

That is in line with rules that already bar most foreign access to China's media market, but the decision to group the restrictions together and publicize them might indicate official attitudes are hardening.

That comes after the party was rattled by foreign news reports about official wealth and misconduct.

In June, Bloomberg News reported that Xi's extended family has amassed assets totaling $376 million, though it said none was traced to Xi. The government has blocked access to Bloomberg's website since then.

In October, The New York Times reported that Premier Wen Jiabao's relatives had amassed $2.7 billion since he rose to national office in 2002. Access to the Times' Chinese-language site has been blocked since then.

Previous efforts to tighten controls have struggled with technical challenges in a country with more than 500 million Internet users.

Microblog operators such as Sina Corp. and Tencent Ltd. were ordered in late 2011 to confirm users' names but have yet to finish the daunting task.

Web surfers can circumvent government filters by using virtual private networks ? software that encrypts Web traffic and is used by companies to transfer financial data and other sensitive information. But VPN users say disruptions that began in 2011 are increasing, suggesting Chinese regulators are trying to block encrypted traffic.

Curbs on access to foreign sites have prompted complaints by companies and Chinese scientists and other researchers.

In July, the American Chamber of Commerce in China said 74 percent of companies that responded to a survey said unstable Internet access "impedes their ability to do business."

Chinese leaders "realize there are detrimental impacts on business, especially foreign business, but they have counted the cost and think it is still worthwhile," said Lam. "There is no compromise about the political imperative of controlling the Internet."


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L.A. offers groceries for guns in annual buyback

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Long lines of cars and people formed Wednesday to take advantage of a guns-for-groceries exchange program that was moved up in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting.

Police officers filled bins with more than 1,500 rifles and handguns outside the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena and the Van Nuys Masonic Temple, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.

Officials were mindful of both the massacre of students and teachers in Newtown, Conn., and a gunman's ambush that killed two firefighters in Webster, N.Y.

"All of us are still mourning the tragedy at Newtown, Conn.," said Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. "So many young innocent children were mass-murdered in the way that they were, and now the assassination of two firefighters ... just breaks the heart of so many of us, particularly in this holiday season."

The anonymous buyback program allowed weapons to be turned in with no questions asked. Handguns, rifles and shotguns could be exchanged for $100 Ralphs grocery store gift cards. Assault weapons earned a $200 card.

The program, designed to get guns off the streets, usually is held in May. Villaraigosa decided to do it now in the wake of the Dec. 14 shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The last buyback netted about 1,700 guns.


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Iraqi telecom Asiacell hopes to raise $1.3 billion

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Asiacell, one of Iraq's three mobile service providers, said Tuesday it is looking to raise $1.3 billion through what would be the country's biggest stock offering yet.

A successful floatation on Baghdad's low-volume stock exchange could reassure international investors, many of whom remain wary of the risky Iraqi market nearly a decade after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

The company plans to offer 67.5 billion shares for at least 22 Iraqi dinars, or just under 2 cents, apiece when it launches the initial public offering on Jan. 3. Investors will have until Feb. 2 to submit orders for the shares.

"We're delighted to be able to provide the chance for all Iraqis to participate in our future by taking a stake in Asiacell," Managing Director Faruk Rasool said in a statement. "We're confident in our future as Iraq's mobile industry continues to grow."

The shares being offered represent a quarter of Asiacell's total share capital. The Gulf state of Qatar's government-backed Qatar Telecom owns 53.9 percent of Asiacell, which is based in the northern Iraqi Kurdish city of Sulaimaniyah.

A number of the company's founding shareholders will be cashing out at least part of their investment with the floatation.

Asiacell competes against Zain Iraq, part of Kuwait's Zain, and Korek, an affiliate of France Telecom.

The three companies are required to list shares on the stock exchange as a condition of their 15-year operating licenses, which cost $1.25 billion when they were acquired in 2007. All three missed a deadline in August 2011 to offer shares to the public.

Asiacell began offering cell phone service in Iraq's highly autonomous northern Kurdish region in 1999. Mobile phone services did not exist in the rest of Iraq until after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

The company now boasts nearly 10 million subscribers and says its network covers 97 percent of Iraq's population.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Don't forget: enter to win one of 14 AT&amp;T smartphones in our year-end giveaway!

We're guessing the wrapping paper is already back in your closet where it will say till next year's festivities, but that doesn't mean more tech goodies are out of the question. Our holiday gift guide giveaway runs through December 31st at 11:59 PM ET, so be sure to leave a comment on each of our 14 guides. Depending which contest you enter -- and you should probably just enter them all -- you could ring in the new year with an AT&T smartphone such as the HTC Windows Phone 8X, LG Optimus G or Samsung Galaxy Express. In any case, here's hoping your holidays are happy and bright!

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The Year in Film | Film Reviews | Gambit New Orleans News and ...

Expectations are everything when it comes to movies. Spend too much time looking forward to a film and you only set yourself up for disappointment. Keep the relentless marketing hype at bay and you're far more likely to appreciate even the partial successes most movies manage to achieve. Though expectations were pretty high this year, the films of 2012 generally exceeded them. Sure, there were some spectacular high-profile failures (Prometheus and John Carter come to mind). But for every by-the-numbers insult to the American moviegoer, there was another big-budget film that overcame its corporate origins by sheer forces of will and imagination. In 2012, Hollywood's biggest studios consistently handed the reins to visionary filmmakers with often-remarkable results (see Sam Mendes's Skyfall or Joss Whedon's The Avengers). It was a very good year for movies.

??Those successes are all the more striking given the long, slow decline of the large and historic Hollywood studios in recent years. In 2012, studios further embraced their substantial new roles as marketers and distributors of films made by people outside the studio system. There was a time when each studio created its own identity through the films it chose to produce. Today, even those who work in Hollywood will tell you privately that they have trouble telling the studios apart. At the same time, what truly constitutes an independent film has gotten harder to discern as long-held divisions continue to blur. Maybe the best thing about the year in movies is that labels and categories seemed meaningless as never before. When quality and originality start to look like shared values, things are going well.

??The most lovable movies of 2012 were those that transported us completely to places we didn't know existed. In some cases, that's because these places didn't really exist until they were brought to life on film. Three movies fit that bill better than any others released this year: Beasts of the Southern Wild, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Dark Knight Rises. Each seems to thrive in a world entirely of its own devising and succeed only on its own self-defined terms. What follows is a purely-subjective-no-apologies Top 10 movies of the year, presented in alphabetical order. Several highly anticipated 2012 films, including Zero Dark Thirty and Amour, have not yet screened for local print reviewers and are not under consideration here:

Argo ? Director Ben Affleck proves it's still possible to make an old-fashioned Hollywood thriller with neither cynicism nor flag-waving at its core.

Beasts of the Southern Wild ? New Orleans filmmaker Benh Zeitlin and his ragtag crew made history with a magical and utterly original work of Louisiana art.

Beauty Is Embarrassing ? This unassuming documentary about artist Wayne White has charm to burn and provides welcome sustenance for creative types.

The Dark Knight Rises ? Is it possible to bring the depth and vision of a great art film to the world of cinematic superheroes? It is now.

Django Unchained ? Quentin Tarantino goes way over the top with his spaghetti Southern, but his exuberance and obvious love for movies are hard to resist.

Jeff, Who Lives at Home ? Metairie's Duplass brothers transcend their mumblecore roots with a sweet and heartfelt tale of personal redemption.

Lincoln ? Seldom has the majesty of great ideas been depicted so convincingly on film.

Marley ? This gorgeous documentary strips away the false veneer that's always applied to cultural icons, revealing a great man with a remarkable life story.

Moonrise Kingdom ? Director Wes Anderson finally channels his huge talent into a great and memorable film by recreating the childhood none of us actually had.

Skyfall ? This movie hits a tiny bullseye, bringing James Bond into the 21st century while retaining everything there is to love about 007's world.

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