Friday, June 1, 2012

Elder Care: North Carolina Home Care Law

The senior care professionals of Always Best Care of Chapel Hill and Durham uphold the standards and expectations set by state and federal laws. These laws, largely enforced by the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation (NC DHSR), are important in maintaining certified, trusted, reliable, and quality caregivers. Access to such caregivers is integral to a healthy population of seniors who would like to continue aging in place. For this reason, elder care professionals in the state of North Carolina are subject to a variety of rules and regulations that maintain a high level of care.

The elder care professionals at Always Best Care are chosen for their dedication to their clients, their compassion, and their belief that they are providing an important service to men and women who mean the world to their families. As a result, our senior care providers in Chapel Hill uphold these regulations proudly in an effort to offer the best senior care possible.

Here are some of the ways in which senior care professionals ensure that their clients receive the attention, compassion, and personalized care that they deserve.
  1. All senior care providers in the state of North Carolina must be licensed. This licensure follows certification courses that teach basic and more thorough senior care practices and skills. The care that professionals are able to provide (skilled or non-medical) depends upon their education and licensure.
  2. Background checks are performed on all senior care providers before they are hired. This ensures that patients receive care from individuals they can trust.
  3. Home care agencies are insured to protect against any damage or other issue that may arise. This protects both the business and the clients, as working within seniors' homes can present unique challenges.
  4. Home care agencies must follow the rules set by the NC DHSR. These rules are created to keep both senior care providers and elderly individuals safe. The DHSR has the power to take administrative action against any home care agency or individual provider that does not uphold its standards.
The goal of the DHSR is to keep North Carolina's elderly citizens safe. Senior care providers who uphold this organization's rules contribute to this achievement.

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